if you want me to sit down and read for 10 hours your story better be captivating throughout. I just wanted to get to the end of this visual novel that felt like it was dragging on forever, there is good in the banner saga, I get that people love visual novels, but I just don’t. I stopped caring, I no longer cared about the consequences of my choices or what the interest of the characters in this game are… I just couldn’t follow along it was too much for me. at first it is… it gave me a dungeons and dragons feel as I’m making choices and watching things unfold before me based on those choices, gaining supplies to feed my fighters, gaining items for my party to wear, watching my crew get annoying with other members and having to decide what to do with them to ensure moral stayed up… I felt immersed into the story… and then suddenly I’m with a new group of characters away from the group I was just getting to know and it broke the spell for me. battles feel too Samey… and the story just wasn’t interesting enough to keep me going. But eventually about half way through the game I was just over it. placement of your characters in battle is important as it is possible to lose party members. As you play through the story you’ll get different groups of characters that belong to different classes all with their own special moves, and as you defeat enemies you’re bale to promote them and increase their stats… you’ll also get to know these characters during stops in villages as well as along your journey across the map… In game it’s all fairly simple, you take turns moving a certain space of tiles and attacking enemies within range, either weakening their defenses or going straight for their health. not necessarily because the gameplay is hard… the gameplay is essentially party managements and turn based tactics. it’s just not very casual friendly and its really tough to get through this 8 hour campaign.
And that a visual novel I was really looking forward to giving this series a shot and play through the trilogy, and while I see why so many people love this series. The Banner Saga Really good if you like reading The Banner Saga is the first game in a trilogy of turn based role playing tactics game set The Banner Saga Really good if you like reading The Banner Saga is the first game in a trilogy of turn based role playing tactics game set all in the world of Vikings… Though I feel like there’s an even more prominent genre to throw this game into. I'd highly recommend it if you think this is something you might enjoy :). The artwork is really beautiful too and the characters are all quite interesting. The overall story was very well written and feels surprisingly epic for an indie title. and those moments can hit you harder than you expect. Your decisions affect not only the morale of your clan and the number of supplies they have, but your choices can also lead to unexpected scenarios like a betrayal or the death of a character. The impact of player choice outside of combat is really quite refreshing too. I also found it wasn't too challenging on a low difficulty setting so for me it was easy to just keep playing for long sessions.

The combat is quite fun and allows for a lot of experimentation as you have such a varied cast of characters to choose from. The combat is quite I was pretty sure I wouldn't like this as I'm not really a fan of tactical rpgs but I'm very pleased to say I was wrong. I was pretty sure I wouldn't like this as I'm not really a fan of tactical rpgs but I'm very pleased to say I was wrong. With visuals evocative of the golden age of animation, The Banner Saga brings skillfully crafted art, story and strategy to gamers waiting to re-experience classic adventures and tactics. Turn-based strategy brings tactical challenge in hand-animated battle sequences. Decisions have consequences wise choices must be made when conversing with possible allies during intricately crafted dialogues. Heroes abandon their hearths and homes to traverse the snowy countryside, gaining allies along the way to help battle a strange, new threat. Cities and towns begin to crumble into chaos. Hand-painted landscapes portray a world eerily suspended in perpetual twilight. Heroes abandon their hearths and homes to traverse the snowy countryside, gaining allies along The Banner Saga is an epic role-playing game inspired by Viking legend. Summary: The Banner Saga is an epic role-playing game inspired by Viking legend.